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The company's product lines include a line of Germicidal Enclosures including the KR615 aka The UV Box and The large capacity UV Cube target handheld, mobile devices such as Cell Phones and Tablets, which are known agents of Cross Contamination. Its LED UV-C devices target high-touch surfaces.
In addition to applying its patented technologies to its own growing line of products, AUVS is available to work on a consultative basis to integrate its technology into third party products.
For further information call 201-406-9471
See also:
Management Team

Advanced Ultra-Violet Systems, LLC (AUVS) was established to leverage the significant benefits of UV-C in infection prevention. We are the product line of choice for UV-C Disinfection to battle COVID-19, C.diff, MRSA, and other infections and illnesses. Our solutions have been proven at the US Pentagon and throughout more than 700 Hospitals and Hospital Groups, as well as hundreds of Physician’s Offices, Dental Practices, Law Enforcement and EMS Environments, Government and Educational Institutions, Food Processing sites, General Industry and Offices. The UV Box, UV Cube, Rollie, Ray and BioProtector products cover hand-held items including cell phones and room/surface disinfection as well as sterile air.
Working with patented technologies developed by leading UV expert and AUVS Chief Technology Officer, Dr. Wayne Clark, the company is committed to providing affordable solutions to successfully combat the spread of infection in:​
Medical Facilities
Nursing Homes
The Food Processing and Food Service Industries
Government Offices, Law Enforcement and EMS Environments
Educational Institutions from Daycare through Universities
Large Employers
Transportation Hubs
Sports and Entertainment Venues​
Homes with a Compromised Family Member

AUVS' Germicidal Enclosures target mobile devices which are known agents of cross-contamination
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