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The product line of choice for UV-C Disinfection of handheld items,
surfaces and air to battle COVID-19, C.diff, MRSA, and HAIs.

Our industry-leading tabletop and free-standing Germicidal Enclosures, as well as our whole-room and air disinfection systems can be used Individually or integrated into a Complete AUVS Infection Prevention Solution.

Patented and Proven in the US Pentagon and throughout more than 700 Hospitals and Hospital Groups, AUVS' products are also in use in hundreds of Physician’s Offices, Dental Practices, Law Enforcement and EMS Environments, Government and Educational Institutions, Food Processing sites, General Industry and Offices.



Reduce Waste / Keep Staff Safe / Protect the Environment while Reducing Costs and Improving Your ESG Scores 

NEWS FLASH - AUVS Introduces Building Automation-Ready Disinfection System (BARDS). Integrating AUVS' Air, Device & Surface disinfection products with any Building Automation System, BARDS helps large companies, building owners and building management companies create safer work, manufacturing & education environments.

Click for More Information

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